I thought this was such a cute Halloween picture to help share our news! We've been trying to keep it a secret for as long as we could, but now that we are 3 months, we wanted to share with all our exciting news! Our due date is May 12th. We are already busy making plans for the little one. We are both so thankful and excited for the special opportunity to be parents!
Congratulations! Are you going to find out what you're having?
Yeah, I am so excited to start buying things! I always see cute stuff and want to buy it, but all the stuff I have liked is pretty gender specific. We might find out at our next appointment in November, for sure we will know by our December appointment.
Congratulations! That is wonderful news. We are so excited for you and can't wait to find out what you're having.
That's so exciting! Congratulations!
It will be so fun to see a grandchild in the Slesk gang. Will purple and gold be the nursery colors? Congratulations!
Lets see some belly pictures!! :)
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