Eli has been working REALLY hard lately. He is studying to take the test to be licensed to sell securities, and on top of that has been working extra hard on putting together a business plan for his interview with State Farm in March. We are very excited to see were this next year takes us. We will keep you posted.
Last but not least Grady, my MONSTER. He had his 9 month appt today and is doing fabulous. Here are his game time stats....he is 70th perc for height, 30 perc for weight and his sweet little head is in the 20th perc (heheehehe). He has the tiniest head. I love it! NO joke this kid is EVERYWHERE. Sometimes I can't keep up with him. He has got the FUNNEST little personality and makes us laugh so hard. Well here are some pictures to back me up.....

He still has a fascination with the bath and his ducks. He sticks the whole head in his mouth.

I honestly DON'T know where this came from because I HATE doing it, but Grady LOVES "helping" me with laundry. Everytime I open the laundry room door, he drops whatever he is doing to crawl as fast as he can in with me to help. Understand his helping consists of pulling out all the clothes I put in the basket, but hey it's the thought that counts, right?

AWWW...look at that sweet and innocent face (notice the books in the background) wait for it.....

Now THAT looks more like it!

Here is another strange obsession, our night stands. Can you tell he has the time of his life??!!
I feel like my child NEVER stops eating, his favorite...suckers!

Oh, man. SOOOOO many pictures. Sorry so long, LOVE YOU ALL!

I WAS wondering!!!
Thanks for posting.:) I love to see all his new 'tricks'. So fun aren't they?
Don't forget to check out the "you Cook Like A Girl' cookbook blog for yummy recipes.
He is so cute and looking so grown up! I don't know what your talking about with the cooking; everytime you cook for us it is SO SO yummy, you are a very good cook! Can't wait to see you guys again; Oh and I've been waiting for a new post, wahoo thanks!
The more pictures the better! I've got one cute Nephew don't I?
I sympathize with you on the nightstands. Thomas does the same thing and he is almost 18 months! Grady is just so adorable and busy. Your slacker relatives up north (us) need to come down and see you guys and your new pad.
thanks for sharing
love to see the pictures
I am glad you are so happy and all is well. We want to know what happens in march. keep us posted. Grady is such a cutie.
love ya
auntie connie
Awww Grady boy! He's getting so big! I miss him! And you guys of course!! We'll be heading your way in a few short months!!! We hope you hang out with us:)
What a little cutie! I was telling Kelsey what a cute little man Grady is and she was wondering if she could have an invitation to your blog. Her email address is: kelsrwalker@yahoo.com
THANK YOU! I have been waiting and waitin! Grady is getting so big! We should get together sometime soon
Grady is so so cute!! I didn't know Eli was doing that interview thing in March, good luck Eli!!!! That is very exciting! Are you guys going to Washington anytime this summer? We will be there the beginning of July, so you guys should come too! Or you could come to Georgia and see us!! Cheyenne and I may be coming to Utah for a week after our Washington trip, so I will let you know if that plan goes through:) I am glad you posted again!! Hope everything is great!
Sweet, fun pictures Mommy. Don't worry about the nightstand and the books. He's developing those gross and some fine motor skills. It's like pumping iron for babies!! Hope to see you all soon. Good luck to Eli for his exam and prospectus.
Those EYES wow! I love them! He really is the cutest kid! Cute pics
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