Saturday, March 28, 2009


This one's for you Amma, we finally got a picture of teeth. Only the bottom two, he now has 4 on the top, and does not like to show them off, or have us put our fingers in his mouth, imagine that. We wish they would all come in in one day. Grady is miserable when they are breaking through. Poor guy, we are almost there though.


Slesk Family said...

Thanks Buddy!
I love your teeth

Val Murphy said...

Dear were asleep when I came to see you at grandma's and max cried the whole way home. -Aunt Val

Kylee Clark said...

Hey Britt Have you tried the teething tablets also putting his binkie's in the fridge or freezer so they are cold. Cooper also Like chewing on a wet cold washcloth. Teething is no fun :0( Oh and a good way to get pictures of the teeth... Turn your little guy upside down he will open his mouth and then you can take some pictures