1. Smiling-Grady has started smiling a lot. The cutest though is when he really gets happy and excited and giggles. It melts my heart! :)

2. Talking-along with his giggles, my little guy is pretty talkative. Especially to his dad!
3.Toys-he is just starting to really be fascinated by objects, especially those that are bright or play music. His favorites are his whoozit (thanks Olson's) and his little play gym that he lays under that has a butterfly, a duck and a bear that plays music hanging from it. He is so funny with them! I can lay him under his toy and he will just laugh, smile and talk back to the bear that is singing to him! I swear he could lay under this for hours!

4. Eating- of course! That's what my little guy does best! At his last doctors appointment he weighed 12 lbs 8 oz! Yeah Grady!!

5. Eli's State Championship Ring-(I don't think Grady likes or enjoys it as much as his Eli did putting it on him and taking pictures of it), but don't worry Eli Grady is still proud of you for winning the state championship in 1999.

6. His hands?? Just this last week he has had this weird obsession with eating his hands. He literally will but almost his whole fist into his mouth. They must taste good?

7. Getting his pants put on his head- Eli LOVES to put Grady's pants on his head, but for some strange reason, Grady really enjoys it. He does look pretty cute though!

8. His EYES-ok this is MY favorite thing about my little man. He has got beautiful blue eyes and these extremely long eyelashes that he definitely got from his father! I LOVE THEM!!

9. His Dad and Mom- at least we hope!

10. SMILING!!!

I think this pretty much catches you up in the life of Mr. Grady. As far as we go, we are moving into a condo this weekend, and we are just enjoying the joys of parenthood. Nothing is better in the whole wide world!!!!
How did you get Eli to let him wear a byu outfit?? hahah!! He is so cute! I just want to snuggle him! So did you guys buy a condo or are you renting one? Where is it? Thanks for the update!! You guys should come on a vacation here sometime:)!!!
He is getting so big and cute! I think Grady and Covelli need a play date soon.
I'm with Jeff on this one, why is Grady wearing a BYU shirt and why did you allow this Eli? It is a very sad day!!!! Cute kid though, good job.
You guys need to stop by an owlz game sometime soon, if you haven't heard we are moving to Tooele, so we really won't see you guys for a while.
Cute pics, little boys look like a lot of fun!
I can't get enough of this little guy.
Keep blogging!
Love you all
Isn't it amazing!! He is getting so big and he is absolutely beautiful. You guys need to stop by again one of these days. If you give me notice I will even cook!!!
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