I really need to stop doing this to myself and go so long in between posts, because then I have like a million things to talk about. I will make it short though. So our BIGGEST news is that we only have 12 more days until we make our way up to the beautiful NorthWest to see Papa and Amma and all the fam. We are SO excited and can hardly wait! Eli and I both had our birthdays a couple weeks ago and both enjoyed them. For our birthday we went to the Coldplay concert and since Val didn't use the saying in her blog, I will "Viva La Awesome"! (thanks Val!) They were excellent. That's pretty much it on us, Grady on the other hand is were this gets long! :) He has mastered the army crawl which is really cute, but is really hard because I didn't think that I would have to childproof my house this early! He now has not one but TWO teeth. Both of his bottome ones are now poking through. He is at the age were he really has favorite things! Thinks that he LOVES and things that he really dislikes. Instead listing all these, I will explain with pictures. Here goes.....
DOGS - He has a real fascination with dogs, he just LOVES them

CURIOUS GEORGE AKA "CJ" - We CANNOT leave home without him, and Grady has a ritual with him, he sees him and gives him hugs, a kiss and then rubs his face in his face.

CRAWLING - He looks so cute and innocent, but really he is a little monster!

SITTING UP ALL BY HIMSELF - I think this picture explains itself, he feels so big when he sits up on his own.

EATING "BIG BOY" FOODS - If you eat in front of him, be prepared to hear some grunting from Grady as a way of saying, I want some too!

TAKING BATHS - Don't worry they are censored!

He is so fun and such a BIG boy! I love the stage he is in now and am going to try to keep him in it. I will you all know if I am successful!

Oh, and we also wanted to congratulate Jeff and Stacey on their new baby girl, I have checked their blog every few minutes to see pictures. I am dying to see her cute face. We are glad that she is here and everything went well! Love you guys!
I like the rubber ducky censoring...cute little Grady growing up! VIVA LA AWESOME is right!
I feel like Grady is so young to be army crawling and sitting up! He is a month younger than Sydnee and is doing everything so much sooner. She is barely rolling over and sitting up by herself. She doesn't move anywhere. I think where she came 3 weeks early she is a little behind. Grady is so cute, and aren't they just soooo much fun? My mom said she saw you guys on Halloween and you were all so cute.
Hey uhh.... good luck on trying to keep him in that stage!! Honey.. before you know it he's going to be running circles around his mommy! Thanks again for stopping by... we hope you guys have a great time in Washington!
thanks for the shout out:) I am super jealous you guys get to go to WA, take lots of pics for us to see!
ohh Grady is getting so grown up! I want to see those teeth! I love his eyes. I'm starting to see more of eli in him. But I see tons of you too :) Love you guys! I wish we could be going with you to WA for christmas!
Grady is so dang cute!! and getting so big!! We hope to see you guys soon!! it has been a while since i have seen you guys!!
Brit and Eli
Thanks for posting the pics. Grady is soooo cute. We are excited to see you in a few weeks.
love from auntie connie
I can't wait to see all of Grady's new tricks in person. We are counting down the days here!
Grady has parents too, no? I'd love to see some pics of them too :)
He is so cute! I can't believe how big he's getting! It goes way too fast!
Grady is a "Babycakes" with his clothes on and off! How cute are those pictures and posts mommy??? This little guy is definitely going to be an overachiever like both his parents. He doesn't just crawl....he MOVES!!! Too fast to capture on video!!! We hope you had a Merry Slesk Family Christmas and we'll see you in 2008! (Oh yes, Coldplay is fab. Glad you all saw them live.)
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