I'm am SOOOO in trouble. It's been a little while??!! Between our year end close at work, and being a wife and a mom, I've found little time for blogging. It seems you go through life waiting for it to slow down so you can breathe, but somehow it just gets more and more busy. Go figure?? Well just to catch everyone up on what happened the last month, Eli and Grady went up to Washington the first of Sept and I was SOOOOOO jealous. I had to work and was left at home dreaming of the R&R at the Slesk homestead, BYU and Washington (heated) college football, Marineers baseball, cute babies and good seafood. They had so much fun though and I must thank everyone in WA for making my family feel so at home. I am so blessed to have such great families! Grady had his 4 month appt, of which I ended up taking two days off for, I went the first time and was a week early!! (has anyone else done this before??) I felt PRETTY dumb. He was 15 lbs 15 oz, 27 1/2 inches long and as healthy as can be! The Doctor even told us to start feeding him cereal and some baby food, so we did, and he LOVES it. I've pureed some fruit, and got some vegetable food there is nothing he wont eat. He still loves walks, holds his own bottle now, has mastered the frowny face and he has officially found his feet!!! Well I guess that catches you up a little on our lives, here are some pictures to back up the events....

haha oh my gosh! i about died when i saw his frowny face!! He's so cute! It was so great to finally meet him last month! But yes, Josh and I are planning to move there next year around... August I think? We're trying to get Josh into UVSC.. or is UVU now? Josh is excited because he'll be able to get to know you and Eli and Grady better!! But anyways, give Grady a hug for me. I love you guys!!!!
I can't wait for you to come up for Christmas!! How long will you be staying for? I love Grady's frowny face! Maybe Avery taught it to him :)
These pics are so cute!! I told Eli I have been checking your blog like everyday for some updates!! haha... I bet you are soo busy though! I'm glad everything is going well and that Grady is a healthy boy!
We loved having Eli and Grady here!
We can't wait to have you too at Christmas. The frowny face just gets me. It is so cute (now)
He seemed to like the lawn mower once he got used to the headphones.
It sure is fun watching him grow! He is so darling in ALL the pictures, but he's way cuter in person!! I can tell he loves his mommy and daddy but when Brittany brings him to the office and he sees his daddy, he starts kicking his legs and smiling. What a doll!
Love the pics
They grow so fast.
love ya
aunt connie
Another "Request" :)....you gotta record and put up a video of Eli doing ICE CREAM AND CAKE WITH GRADES...definitely yes!
Look at his lil eyebrows in his frowny face. He is so cute and so big! I hope life slows down fast enough for us to see you more than once a year. Maybe we just need to have you over for Sunday dinner. That is bout the only day we are not running across the state for one thing or another. Son't worry about life moving too fast... you get used to it eventually and then it starts spinning!!! Looks like he and grandma had fun mowin the lawn!!
i love all the pictures! i can't believe he can hold his bottle and he likes baby food. it took my boys forever to do both of those things. we need to get together soon..... i will think of something fun we can do. we need to catch up!
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