DOGS - He has a real fascination with dogs, he just LOVES them

CURIOUS GEORGE AKA "CJ" - We CANNOT leave home without him, and Grady has a ritual with him, he sees him and gives him hugs, a kiss and then rubs his face in his face.

CRAWLING - He looks so cute and innocent, but really he is a little monster!

SITTING UP ALL BY HIMSELF - I think this picture explains itself, he feels so big when he sits up on his own.

EATING "BIG BOY" FOODS - If you eat in front of him, be prepared to hear some grunting from Grady as a way of saying, I want some too!

TAKING BATHS - Don't worry they are censored!

He is so fun and such a BIG boy! I love the stage he is in now and am going to try to keep him in it. I will you all know if I am successful!

Oh, and we also wanted to congratulate Jeff and Stacey on their new baby girl, I have checked their blog every few minutes to see pictures. I am dying to see her cute face. We are glad that she is here and everything went well! Love you guys!